We believe this level of membership will be of benefit to both our Drama NZ members and new Associates by enabling them to have up to date information on shows, resources, products and professional learning whilst ensuring that the companies and partners are also aware of up-to-date happenings within the Education Sector.
Associate member benefits include
Access to members only section of DNZ website
The ability to receive support and guidance from Drama NZ to help new and existing companies and industry providers support Theatre in Education
Receive twice termly DNZ Members Newsletter to stay up to date with happenings Nationally and Internationally
Able to advertise and market through newsletter, National and Regional Facebook pages and website
Discount on Trade Stands at Annual National Conference
Discounted Advertising in Annual Conference Print Journal
Discounted Advertising in other publications that may occur
Invitation to present at National and Regional events for example Arts Ed Crossover
Current Associate Members include: