Whakamana, Mana Reo
Drama NZ invites you to the Drama New Zealand Primary Conference Whakamana, Mana, Reo Havelock North Intermediate, Hawkes Bay, from the 25th to the 27th of September 2023.
Drama engages children in a variety of inclusive language learning experiences. Drama draws on children's experience, their culture, their whanau, and their love of exploration and play. It is a text rich learning area that brings together multiple literacies and modern learning practices. Research shows drama boosts literacy including writing.
As part of the Drama New Zealand NEX Primary Drama and Literacy Project, we are delighted to be presenting for the 2nd time:
Whakamana, Mana Reo - Empowering learners, enriching literacy.
This conference is for early childhood, primary and intermediate kaiako, and has as its kaupapa, ‘for teachers, by teachers’. Experienced teachers will be leading hands-on workshops full of practical drama strategies which teachers can take back to their classrooms. This will also be an ideal opportunity to share practice, and to build networks with like-minded teachers near and far. This conference follows on from a similar, very successful and enjoyable TRCC conference in 2019.
Download the full Programme HERE
Dr Julie Dunn
Professor Julie Dunn has worked in the field of Drama Education for more than 30 years as an advocate, teacher, teacher educator, researcher and author. She is widely published, with her two key teacher-focused texts being "Pretending to Learn" and "Stand up for Literature" (both with John O'Toole). As a researcher, her focus has been on drama work that sits at the nexus between play and drama, in settings as diverse as early childhood classrooms and aged care facilities. Julie's most recent research has been concerned with the role of emotion, particularly in process drama. After more than 15 years at Griffith University Brisbane, Julie retired in late 2020, only to take on a new role 18 months later as Executive Dean at a small Higher Education Institute. Julie remains passionate about learning and teaching, and continues to advocate for the all important power (not soft!) skills of creativity, critical thinking and collaboration.
Prof. Peter O’Connor
Peter O’Connor is Professor of Education and Director of the Te Rito Toi Centre for Arts and Social Transformation in Te Kura Akoranga me Te Tauwhiro Tangata Faculty of Education and Social Work at Waipapa Taumata Rau The University of Auckland. He is also Professor II at Volda College University, Norway. He received The Presidents Award from Drama New Zealand in 2020. He is an internationally recognised expert in making and researching applied theatre and drama education. Peter's most recent research includes multi and interdisciplinary studies on the creative pedagogies and the arts, the nature of embodied learning and the pedagogy of surprise. Peter led the development of Te Rito Toi, an online resource to support the return to schools during COVID 19 by using an arts and well being approach.
Registrations are now open HERE
FULL Registration $325
Registration fee includes all sessions, catering and conference dinner
Conference Begins: 25th September 2023 - Registration desk opens at 8.30am
- Mihi Whakatau at 9:30am
Conference Finish: 27th September 2023 - Poroporaki at 3.15pm to 4pm.
We have put together a range of logistical information including accommodation options, airport transfers and registration info.
Take a look HERE
Further Questions
Any questions? Please email Juliet Cottrell - Conference Convenor