Literacy and Drama Practitioner Contract Position

Duration: Terms 1 & 2 2019.

Specific dates: As negotiated.                                                                      


Drama NZ is looking for an experienced primary teacher who is keen to plan and implement a new Drama NZ pilot programme – a school-based collaboration to build teacher capability in literacy using drama strategies. This role involves working across two clusters of schools to deliver a creative literacy programme with classroom teachers.  The programme has a dual purpose: lifting student engagement in key literacy processes and achieving specific outcomes in writing.

This experienced teacher will be an expert in process drama. They will be responsible for planning and implementing a new Drama NZ primary pilot programme. which has a teaching as inquiry dimension.  This work is to be done in consultation with two critical colleagues and our Drama NZ Primary mentors, who this teacher will also report to.

 To apply:

Send a covering letter and a CV.


Late applications will not be considered.

Send applications, or for further information please contact:


Emma Bishop